
Waste vehicle reporting and management system

This system focuses on receiving the civil report of suspected waste vehicles without licensed plate occupying the public road facility. If the vehicle owner has the need of recycling useless vehicle, he can directly call the toll free line with the telephone number of 0800-085-717. The population can also use the recycle web site to query the registered legal vehicle recycle vendors and make appointment with them. The vendors will provide vehicle owner the waster vehicle recycle regulation sheet. Then the vehicle ownercan apply the recycling reward from EPA.

The inspection of waste vehicles occupying the public road will be responsible by police department and environment protection agents. They will have a site inspection and leave their inspection results on the obvious part of the vehicles. If no one takes care of the inspected vehicles after seven days, the environment protection agents will move them to the official designated place.

The police department should find out the vehicle owner after attaching the waste vehicle notice and notify him by official paper process. The vehicle owner has to clean the vehicle on the road or identify the vehicle at official designated place. After the information has been announced for one month, the vehicle has still not been claimed or identified by any one. The environment protection agents can then process the vehicle as a waste good.

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